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Courses for parent partnerships

Inclusive Practice in Schools for Parent Partnerships

More than one in twenty school children are disabled. Parent Partnerships need to be fully aware of the issues facing parents of disabled children to be able to help parents fight for their rights. A reasonable knowledge of education law regarding disabled pupils will help you provide the best support for these parents.

Emotional Resilience

This course is about how to live with yourself and thrive. No matter how you are feeling or where you are in your life right now you can give yourself a second chance where you can choose to do things differently.

This course is designed to help you become more resilient so you can embrace that change you want to see in your life.

Getting Your Message Across

There are so many variables and dynamics involved in getting any message across in a professional, calm and clear manner. If it were all just about confidence or the way you look and sound, things would be so much easier. Even though all of the above does come into play, there is so much more to communication and getting your message across.

This is a light and enjoyable training course that will help you communicate in a much more effective way, relaxed and confident manner to get your message across.


Co-production is when you as an individual influence the support and services you receive, or when groups of people get together to influence the way that services are designed, commissioned and delivered. To put it simply, it’s about the importance of working together, sharing knowledge and co-designing better ways to deliver services with service users, families, and our communities. That is co-production in a nut-shell.